Little Monster Desktop - A scaleable GUI for Linux

Welcome to LMD.

Little Monster Desktop is a Linux GUI. Its goal is to be scalable, allowing it to run on a desktop, console, and mobile device. It is intended to support a three button navigation style (right, left, select) to allow it to function on limited devices.

We are in the very early stages of planning for LMD. It is part of the open gaming project but has its own value as an open Linux GUI for mobile devices and embedded applications. Implementations range from mobile phones to handheld computers to gaming devices to ATM backend. The goal is to create a highly customizable GUI that uses vectors and posistioning to "adapt" to any screen size while maintaining a very small file size for deployment on mobile devices.

Update: I was misdirected in creation of this project. Perhaps a better objective would be: an open source project to build a very clean gaming/media oriented frontend for the Rubber Ducky console developed by WhiteBoxGaming. It could be based on Qt/Qtopia code and should be very neat graphically and have high ease of use.

Some Links for this project are:

LMD @ The White Box Gaming Blog

The LMD Forums on SourceForge

Thank you for your intrest in this project.

All work on LMD is done under the GNU GPL (General Public Licencess)